Now taking applications for our 2024 LAR Scholarships.  The deadline to apply is Friday, July 5, 2024

1. Criteria for eligibility

A. Applicants must be immediate* family members of a REALTOR® or Affiliate
member of the Laredo Association of REALTORS® in good standing.
        *Immediate family members of REALTOR® members include sons, daughters,
         stepchildren, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren. The same applies to staff
         employees of Affiliate member companies.

B. Eligible students must either be:

  • A high school graduate of the class of 2024 enrolled in an accredited college   or university and plans to attend as an undergraduate student in the Fall of
    2024. Proof of enrollment will be required.
  • A student currently enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student in
    an accredited college or university and plans to continue attending as
    an undergraduate in the Fall of 2024.
  • A student currently enrolled as a graduate student in an accredited
    university and plans to continue attending in the Fall of 2024.

C. Students must be in good academic standing.
D. For High school students applying, a current official academic high school transcript
must be provided. An official academic college transcript must be provided for college
or university students applying.
E. To apply for a scholarship, eligible participants must complete the application
form accurately and include a 1-page essay.
F. Only complete applications received with an essay by the deadline will be considered.
G. Scholarships will be awarded without regard to race, color, sex, religion,
national origin, familial status, handicap, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
H. Essay Prompt Guidelines:

  • Essays must be in a typed standardized college standard format and
    submitted with the scholarship application by the deadline for
  • Scholarship recipients are required to read the essay on the day of the
    awards ceremony.
  • Scholarship recipients need to be present at the scholarship presentation.

2. Date to be awarded:
Thursday, July 25, 2024, at 6:00 pm at IBC Main Bank downtown

3. Application deadline:
Friday, July 5, 2024

4. Scholarship amount

5. Contact person:

J. Michelle Garcia, Interim Association Executive, 956-712-4400, ae_lar@laredorealtors.org

6. Applications must be submitted to:
Laredo Association of REALTORS
107 Calle Del Norte, Suite 21
Laredo, TX 78041 or sent via email to: ae_lar@laredorealtors.org

Download the LAR Scholarship Application and Guidelines
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