Laredo Association of REALTORS® Committees
The Laredo Association of REALTORS® is also made up of various specially formed committees that are used to advise the Board of Directors.
If you feel you could be an asset to the association, please see the list of our various committees below. Once you have found a committee that you’d like to join, please contact us at
Executive Committee
Handles the overall administration, structure, staffing and documentation that guides the organization and will make emergency decisions and take care of issues that arise between board meetings. It serves as the advisory to the President and is composed of elected officers and past president.
Finance Committee
Oversees the treasury of the organization, as well as its financial instruments, budgets, controls and reports. It is chaired by the elected treasurer. It should submit a proposed annual budget for board approval.
MLS Committee
The Laredo Association of REALTORS® MLS Committee oversees the organization's Multiple Listing Service, which shall be subject to the Bylaws of the Laredo Association of REALTORS® and such rules and regulations as may be hereinafter adopted.
Board of Director Liaison: Anne Landin
Chair: Maricela Perez
Bylaws Committee
Responsible for reviewing and maintaining the governing documents of the organization, and for recommending proposed changes when necessary.
Board of Director Liaison: Juan Gonzalez
Chair: James A. Dickey, III
Membership Committee
Targets audiences for membership, successfully enrolling new members while retaining current members and coordinates tangible and intangible organization benefits. It should establish that there is a member need for the service and that the service is unique and available to the member only.
Board of Director Liaison: Jennifer Hamilton
Chair: Anna Lisa Carillo
Education Committee
Should plan cost effective, profitable events that further the professional goals of the organization's membership.
Board of Director Liaison: Velma Luna
Chair: Ilianna Vanessa Cuellar
REALTOR® Image and Community Relations Committee
REALTOR® Image and Community Relations Committee
The committee assists in promoting the value, professionalism and use of a REALTOR® including use of the REALTOR® “R” trademark; assists in the planning and implementation of community service projects with LAR's Organizations of Choice which increase member involvement and strengthen LAR's connection to the community; and Refers to the communication network developed by the organization to keep members and prospects abreast of the organization's activities. It maintains the website and any and all social media, Pages, public & private facing Groups, etc. and but not limited to other communication tools including an active contact list of news and social media.
Board of Director Liaison: Claudia Rangel
Luncheon & Speaker Committee
Selects venue, menu, and speakers for membership meetings or special events.
Board of Director Liaison: JJ Gonzalez
Chair: Jessica Berlanga
Scholarship Committee
May raise funds and award scholarships on behalf of the organization.
Board of Director Liaison: Ana Davila Cantu
Chair: Jesse Cantu
Investment Committee
Creates, implements, reviews and revises Investment policy and how these objectives support the organizations goals. It will monitor and review the performance of the investment funds, investment manager, reports and fees. It will reaffirm or revise the Investment Policy statement each year, note in the annual investment review and report to the Board. A Past President will be appointed Chair of the committee. The committee will consist of two to five volunteers, including the chair, who will serve terms of 2 years. Except for the Past President, Finance committee members cannot volunteer on this committee. The committee will meet at least twice a year, once in January and July, or as necessary during the year.
Board of Director Liaison: Chantel Liles
Chair: Ernie Rendon
Nominating Committee
Shall select one candidate for each office and one candidate for each place to be filled on the BOD. At least (2) months before the annual election, a Nominating Committee (NC) with a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of seven (7) REALTOR® Members shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the BOD. It is required that candidates chosen for each position of director on the BOD have a minimum of 3-year full time experience as an LAR Primary Realtor® member. Candidates for position of Officers must be a current sitting officer or director with at least one year of service on the board. The report of the nominating committee shall be mailed and/or emailed to each member eligible to vote at least (3) weeks preceding the election. Additional candidates for the offices to be filled may be placed in nomination by petition signed by at least 5% of the REALTOR® members eligible to vote. The petition shall be filed with the Association Executive at least (2) weeks before the election. The Association Executive shall send a notice of such additional nominations to all members eligible to vote before the election.
Board of Director Liaison: Linda Flores
Chair: James A. Dickey, III
Governmental Affairs / TREPAC
Reviews proposed laws and rules, taking timely action to support or oppose issues that affect the organization and the profession. It organizes efforts to block unfavorable regulations and support favorable laws in the local and state agencies and in the legislature. In addition, the TREPAC committee educates members about TREPAC benefits and philosophy of strong property rights and raises funds to meet our TREPAC goals.
Board of Director Liaison: Cristobal Rodriguez, III , REALTOR® OWNER
Chair: Gerardo A. Garza
Run George Run 5K Committee
The 5k Committee is composed of members and affiliates in affiliation with the Washington Birthday Celebration Association (WBCA).
The Title Sponsor is the Laredo Medical Center
Board of Director Liaison: Jesse Gonzalez
Chair: Sandra Audry Vasquez-Solis